Uses and features The machine is suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as wallet assembly, small toys, decoration, leather bags accessories and so on with small die cutter. 1. Rotation of swing arm is flexible, and operation and materials' selection is convenient. 2. ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያላቸው እንከን የለሽ የአረብ ብረት ቱቦዎች ተዘጋጅተው የተደገፉ እና የከፍተኛ ድብደባ ቦርድ እንዲካፈሉ ዋስትና ይሰጣሉ. 3. The switch is o...
Uses and features The machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter in processing leather, producing cloth, case and bag, package, toys, የጽህፈት መሳሪያ, መኪና, ሌሎች ኢንዱስትሪዎች. 1. ኃይልን በሚቆርጡ እና በሚቆሙበት ጊዜ ከፍተኛውን ፎቅ ለመድረስ የአራት አምድ አወቃቀር እና ድርብ ሲሊንደር አወቃቀር. 2. Cutting force is lasting force, which is suitable for cutting rubber trade specia...
Uses and features The machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter in processing leather, producing cloth, case and bag, package, toys, የጽህፈት መሳሪያ, መኪና, ሌሎች ኢንዱስትሪዎች. 1. በአራት አምድ የተገለጸ እና ሚዛን እና ሚዛናዊነት እና ሚዛን እና ሚዛን እና ሚዛን እና ሚዛን እና ሚዛን እና ሚዛናዊ ያልሆነ የ CORNANSING ን ማሰባሰብ እና የመቁረጫ ሀይልን ሁሉ በመቁረጥ ክልል ውስጥ ማመንጨት. 2. Use double-cylinder driven to achieve the cutting power o...
አጠቃቀምን እና አወዳድሮ በዋናነት እንደ ቆዳ, ፕላስቲክ, ጎማ, የኖሎን, ካርቶን, ካርቶን እና የተለያዩ ሠራሽ ቁሳቁሶች ያሉ ያልተለመዱ ቁሳቁሶችን ለመቁረጥ ተስማሚ ነው. 1. The principal axis is adopted automatic lubricating system which supplies oil to prolong the service life of the machine. 2. Operate by both hands, which is safe and reliable. 3. The area of cutting pressure board is large to cut large-sized materials. 4. The depth of cutting power is set to be simple and accurate. ...